Sweaty Mommy Survival Guide Tip: Use Sensory Play for a Busy Baby During Your Workout
What do you do when the baby is awake but you still want to get a good workout in? It can be difficult to get a workout in with a baby, but I have put together a few of our favorite and simplest sensory play activities to keep your baby distracted all while building their […]

Holiday Gift Guide For Your Baby or Toddler: 12 months to 24 months
I’ve made a list of things that we have gotten for G or put on our own wish list that would make a great gift for any baby between 6 months to 18 months. Holiday Gift Guide For Your One-Year-Old 1. PJ’s– I’m convinced you can never go wrong with pj’s. They were a new […]

Fall Sensory Play – Puffy Pumpkin Paint
Because it’s fall, which means all things pumpkin right? So why not incorporate pumpkin into our fall sensory play for some seriously fun puffy pumpkin paint?! This is truly easy to whip up. Who knew that two simple ingredients, Elmer’s glue and shaving cream, could give you the perfect puffy paint texture?! Your painting […]

10 Must Have Kale Recipes for Kale Day
What do you mean you didn’t know it was Kale Day?? We go over this every year! Come on you guys. It’s ok. I’m here to help. Because Kale Day is tomorrow, October 4th. It is always on the first Wednesday in October, thanks for asking. I’m giving you these recipes a day early so […]

How to Go Stroller Running With Your Baby in 20 Easy Steps
How to Go Stroller Running With Your Baby in 20 Easy Steps 1.Pack up a l l the things. All the toys. All the snacks. All the drinks. Prepare for anything and everything. 2. Strap the ever so wiggly baby into the stroller. This may require some special maneuvering. 3. Don’t […]

14 Baby Feeding Products You’ll Love
I know yall remember my rant about starting solids and how the internet told me no matter what I did I was wrong! I’m just glad we’re over that hurdel now and G has been lovin himself some solid foods these last few months. So for this weeks “lovin lately” series, I wanted to […]

Sensory Play with Shaving Cream
Wait did you say “sensory play with shaving cream”? Yep. Shaving cream. If you haven’t figured it out yet by the rest of the things in my Sensory Play Series, just about anything can be turned into sensory play fun for your baby or little one. If they can put their hands in it, touch it, […]

20+ Places in Dallas to Take Your Babies & Toddlers
Hey, Mamas! (and Dadas). I know it’s tempting to stay cooped up inside the house all day with your little one, but I’m telling you to pack up your bags and get out! It’ll be good for both you (and your sanity) and your little one. There is so much to do in Dallas with […]

Before and After: Bathroom Remodel
When we bought our house three years ago we completely remodeled it. We knocked down walls, expanded the kitchen and opened it up, put in new granite counter tops, ripped up the dirty old carpet and put in hardwood floors. A lot of work was done to the house to get it to where it […]

Before and After: Backyard Patio Remodel
Y’all…finally, FINALLY! All things construction in our house is over. Done. Finito. Goodbye loud noisy jackhammers and the constant smell of wet paint. Hello beautiful newly renovated patio (and bathroom but I’ll show you that another time). Here’s what we did. We ripped up all those bushes. The pokey ones. The ones that, when you […]