2014: The Year of “I CAN”
As we move into the New Year many of you may have already set your goals and are ambitiously chasing after them. Way to go! Or, if you are like many that I have talked to, you may not be writing down resolutions this year because of your track record for not following through with […]

Spiced Apple Chai
We’ve had quite a few chili days lately here in Texas. In fact, a couple weeks ago we had an ice storm causing schools to be closed for two days. I realize many of you may laugh at this as you live in temperatures where it snows all the time and temperatures frequently hover around the […]

Raw Maple Persimmon Pumpkin Pie (With a Nut, Date, & Fig Crust)
Finally able to get my Thanksgiving cooking on! Been a busy and eventful week thus far! Aside from kale, I do really love pumpkin! And all the fall filled goodies that come with it! So I thought it was a perfect fit when my family asked me to bring the pumpkin pie this year! I think […]

Creamy Avocado Kale Soup
I don’t know about y’all but this Texas girl is not cut out for the freezing temperatures we’ve been having lately! For the last 4 days it hasn’t gotten above 35 degrees!! Now for those of you that live year round in these insanely cold climates, I realize you’re probably laughing at me right now. […]

A Few Kaletastic Fall Recipe Finds
Yay fall! I feel like this season tends to bring out the best in people’s cooking concoctions, as they boldly play around with delightful ingredients like pumpkin, squash, cranberries, nuts, and kale. Here are few fall recipes I stumbled across that look absolutely mouth watering and perfect for fall. I can’t wait to give them […]

These Are a Few of My Favorite Running Things
There are so great running things out there that it’s hard to decide on a real ‘top favorites’ list. I wanted to add things like these laces locks, or this fabulous ‘run’ ring but I resisted the urge to make this list 20 items long. So here are a just few of my favorite things […]

Training For Your First Half Marathon?
Look at how much fun we are! I know you want to run with us! I have created a new and improved FREE Beginner Half-Marathon Training guide for you to download! Let me send it right to your inbox for you to keep forever. Somehow I managed to convince/trick my husband into running his […]

These Are a Few of My Favorite Kitchen Things
So these definitely are not all of my favorite kitchen things. To be honest my list could go on and on. I could have easily added things like this french press, or these flip top bottles for my home brewed kombucha, or this electric hot water kettle (which I truly am in love with and use daily to make […]

Banana Roll Ups
After a 5-day juice cleanse I was definitely ready to get some solid food in my belly! This was the perfect thing to break the fast with! I make these all the time and am totally in love with them. They are the perfect meal to grab and go! They are like a more “grown […]

Pumpkin Coconut Granola
It sure is dearest Whole Foods, it sure is! This sign greeted me today as I walked into the grocery store and inspired me to make something “fall-ish.” And what better food to represent fall than pumpkin! So today we will be making Pumpkin Coconut Granola! Granola truly is pretty simple to make. And homemade […]