Sensory Play: 4 Ingredient Washable Window Paint

I know what you’re thinking: This looks fun BUT IT’S SO MESSY!

Yes, I know. It can be. But that’s the fun of it, for your child at least. For us, the 3 minutes it takes to sweep and wipe everything up, is worth the 15-20 minutes of play and discovery my child will get. Luckily, Bumkins’ Splat Mat and Art Smock make the perfect addition to any sensory play activity. It made the clean up so much easier.Washable Window Painting - Sensory Play with Angela of @runlikekale

I hope you will try this fun washable window paint activity out. We had a blast!
For reference, my toddler, G, is 19 months at the time we are doing this activity.

Washable Window Paint

What you need for this sensory play activity:

Corn Starch
Food Coloring
Dish Soap
Paint Brushes
Window or Baking Pan
Muffin Tin or Bowls
Splat Mat
Art Smock

What to do:

We used muffin tins to hold all our washable window paint colors in one place but you could use a bunch of bowls or cups.

In each tin mix together 1 tablespoon of cornstarch + 2-4 tablespoons water (play with the consistency and see what you like) + 1 teaspoon dish soap 2-3 drops of food coloring

Show your child how to paint on the window, or on to the baking pan.
In the end, my toddler discovered he could stick his fingers in it and paint. He loved the way it felt in his hands. Good thing these are washable. 



1 comment

  1. Thanks for update RG

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