colored ice sensory play for babies

Sensory Play for Babies: Ice Ice Baby

Temperatures are rising and we’re finally getting some warm days. I mean we actually spent a few days at the pool last week for G’s first swim time! He loved it by the way, thanks for asking 😉

So to combat the hot sticky Texas days, I’ve been trying to figure out some more cooling off sensory play activities for babies. This one is simple and in expensive to put together, and it kept G entertained for quite a while…or at least until the ice melted. I can see us doing this sensory play activity many more times during the summer.

Ice Ice Baby:

6m+ or whenever they can sit up by themselves, could also do this in a highchair or Bumbo seat with a tray

What you need:

Ice Cube Tray- I liked using these large silicone ones
Food Coloring- I use this natural plant based one
Pan or tub for the ice to slip around on
What to do:
You can do this in a highchair, or on the floor. We did it outside. I suggest you put a towel down to catch any water or ice that gets out.
Water temperature: Have a warm water bucket near by for baby to warm his/her fingers and explore the different temperatures.

Freeze things inside the ice cubes for them to discover once they melt.

Check out more of our fun ideas for sensory play for babies here.

What did you think of this activity? Let me know how it went for you and your little one in the comments below.
