Y’all, confession…I am a terrible water drinker. I know it’s like the number one health rule and all, but I’ve just always been so bad at actually getting in those darn 8 glasses or more a day. I just don’t ever find myself “naturally thirsty,” and would often go a whole day without even remembering if I had one glass of water. It’s truly a miracle I’ve never been sick from dehydration. It’s not that I don’t try, because I do. I’ve carried around a refillable water bottle, put marks on it to try to remind myself to “drink x amount by x time”. And maybe that works for all of one day, but then the next day I forget again. You would think something as simple as “drinking more water everyday” wouldn’t be that hard, but the struggle is real! Can you relate? Or are you one of those naturally awesome water drinkers that just makes it look so effortless. Oh you are? I don’t understand you, but I envy you.
Well, now that I’m pregnant it’s like ten times more important that I’m drinking water, and it’s recommended you drink more like 12-13 glasses instead of 8 (great, as if that wasn’t hard enough already). Water helps your body absorb essential nutrients into the cells and transports vitamins, minerals and hormones to the blood cells. It is needed to form amniotic fluid that surrounds the baby, supports the increase in blood plasma volume, and produces breast milk. Being well-hydrated may help alleviate some pregnancy related conditions. So basically it’s vital to your health and baby’s health (duh).

Knowing all this, and the fact that it’s not just for me but baby, has made me even more determined to find a way to stay well hydrated. And I finally did! I found a way to get in all my water in a way that is almost effortless to me. My secret? Lemonade. But not sugar filled lemonade. I don’t need to be drinking an extra cup of sugar a day just for the sake of getting in water, I think that would be rather counter productive. No. This lemonade uses stevia. Gasp!
First of all, stevia is not the same as artificially sweeteners like sweet ‘n low or splenda, which I wouldn’t touch with a ten foot pole. Stevia is actually a plant. I remember my mom growing it in her garden and picking and eating the sweet leaves straight off the plant. Secondly, it is true that not all stevia products are created equal. There is a HUGE difference between consuming real stevia and the chemically processed Truvia. There are better brands and you can research more on your own, but just try and remember to look for a stevia extract that is 100% pure without added ingredients. If you want to read more about the stevia controversy, this article >here< talks about it pretty thoroughly and addresses any point people may have thought it could be “bad.” Thirdly, I have actually always hated the taste of stevia, like, try and scrape the stuff off my tongue once the after taste set in kind of hate. For some reason though, I have found that this particular stevia, in the vanilla cream flavor, mixed in with lemons doesn’t just work, but actually tastes good. And no, it’s not just because I have weird preggo taste buds. I have tested this on many “stevia haters” like myself, and they couldn’t even tell!
Another great benefit to this lemonade is the lemons! Lemon is a natural cleanser that stimulates the liver and gallbladder, even dissolving uric acid. It also promotes healthy digestion and the whole elimination process. Lemons are high in vitamin C and P, the latter helping with high blood pressure. There are so many great reasons to drink lemon water every day. So here is my top secret recipe to getting in all the water, and lemons, I need and more. Hello hydration!
Classic Lemonade
Amount: One Mason Jar
1o oz filtered water
1 1/2 – 2 large lemons, juiced
8-10 drops of vanilla cream liquid stevia (or to taste)
3-4 fresh mint leaves (slap the mint in your palm first to open up the oils)
Add the ingredients with ice to your mason jar, put the lid on, shake shake shake, sip, and enjoy.
Amount: One Pitcher
(I have now learned to make this in large amounts since I drink so much)
6 cups filtered water
5 large lemons, juiced
3-4 droppers full of liquid vanilla cream stevia (or to taste)
10ish fresh mint leaves (slap the mint in your palm first to open up the oils)
Strawberry Basil Infused Lemonade
Amount: One Mason Jar
1o oz filtered water
1 1/2 large lemons, juiced
8-10 drops of stevia (or to taste)
3 strawberries diced
3-4 fresh basil leaves (slap the basil in your palm first to open up the oils)
Add the ingredients with ice to your mason jar, put the lid on, shake shake shake, sip, andAmount: One Pitcher
(I have now learned to make this in large amounts since I drink so much)
6 cups filtered water
5 large lemons, juiced
3-4 droppers full of liquid vanilla cream stevia (or to taste)
10 strawberries diced
6-8 fresh basil leaves (slap the basil in your palm first to open up the oils)
I usually just fill up my 30 oz yeti mug and drink this stuff like it’s going out of style.