I know I’m a week late on all things currently going on but we’ve been busy and just got back from a little weekend trip. Remind me not to drive 5 hours in a car with a baby while he is awake!
Here is what’s currently going on with us…
LOVING these 7 baby feeding products from my last post.
WORKING ON some more fun summer stuff for G. He has been loving this little pool we recently got from Target! It squirts water out and he thinks it’s pretty funny. Best $15 we’ve spent all summer.
INSPIRED BY all of you! No seriously. You guys rock. I mentioned in this post about how I wasn’t going to run that night but after getting on ig and seeing all of yall’s inspirational posts I couldn’t help but want to lace up my shoes and go for a quick run.
THINKING ABOUT what our breastfeeding journey is going to look like after G turns one! Can’t believe we made it this long.
WATCHING one of the shows you guys recommended to me, I just can’t decide yet. Seriously if you need some great new show recommendations go read this post!
READING I just finished My Name is Lucy Barton, I’ve heard many people loved this book but it just wasn’t for me. There were solid, valuable messages but the scattered way it was told made it hard for me to connect.
At Home in the World: Reflections on Belonging While Wandering the Globe : I LOVED this book! It’s witty. It’s endearing. And it gives hope to the adventurer in me that I can still travel the world even with kids.
Here is the summary, “In her late thirties and as a mom to three kids under age ten, Tsh Oxenreider and her husband decided to spend a rather ordinary nine months in an extraordinary way: traveling the corners of the earth to see, together, the places they’ve always wanted to explore. This book chronicles their global journey from China to Thailand to Australia, Sri Lanka, Uganda, France, Croatia, and beyond, as they fill their days with train schedules, world-schooling the kids, and working from anywhere.”
And Little Bee. I finished it. It kept me interested. I liked it. But I didn’t love it like I’ve heard many people say they did.
Oh and LAB Girl…although I made it about %60 of the way and then didn’t finish it. It was starting to get boring to me with all the science references.
LISTENING TO Lewis Howes School of Greatness podcast! He does interviews with so many incredible people and each episode is so inspiring!
LEARNING to bake a smash cake for Griffin’s first birthday!
TRYING to bake a birthday cake…in a broken oven, that take 2 hours to preheat, but that repairmen say they have “fixed.” Don’t even get me started on this nonsense. Wish me luck.
DREAMING OF summer nights on our new patio 🙂
MISSING the beach, already. We just got back from a long weekend visiting family and it was so fun. G looovveeeddd the ocean. As soon as we would put him down he would head straight for the water! This kid has no fear.
PLANNING G’s first birthday! It’s almost here. Been Pinning like crazy. Now to execute all the cute crafty finds.
WEARING these matching shirts with G pretty much nonstop. Yep, I’m totally being that mom. You’re Killin Me Smalls and All You Need is LOVE and Gangsta Rap.
NEEDING a good recipe for G’s first birthday smash cake. Ideal I want something low in refined sugar but still something he’d enjoy. Please send me any recipes you have!
EXCITED ABOUT getting one of my posts published in Sammiches and Psych Meds. I thought that was pretty cool. You can read it HERE
Play along and copy and past the prompts and put your own answers in the comments. Or take it a step further and write your own “Currently” blog post like I’ve seen some of you do! Tag me in it so I can see. I love knowing what everyone is up to getting new fun ideas.
LOVING summer break and just relaxing around the house. I am getting a little stir crazy though.
WORKING ON crocheting a blanket a week for the fall. I can’t wait to see the variety I come up with over the summer!
INSPIRED BY others working out so consistently. I definitely fell out of the habit and need to get back into it.
THINKING ABOUT life and how much ours will change this next year.
WATCHING Hawaii Five-O (I’m a little obsessed.)
READING Present over Perfect by Shauna Nequist. SO GOOD!
LISTENING TO Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
LEARNING that I am definitely not in control of anything in my life.
DREAMING OF the beach. Take me back!
TRYING to stay motivated to actually do stuff and not sit around all summer.
PLANNING the hubs 30th birthday and sister’s baby shower 🙂
WEARING shorts and a tank top because crazy Ohio people don’t believe you need air conditioning in the summer.
NEEDING blue bell, Torchy’s. All good food.
EXCITED ABOUT the adventures this next year will present to us. Can’t wait!!!
LOVED reading these! Thanks for sharing! I’ve heard so many great things about Present over Perfect and it’s on my list to read.
And a blanket a week? Girl, that is impressive!
You’re just wonderful and I love you. You expire the young but you also inspire the older like M2. Keep reading, writing and never ever loose your adventure. Go places in your heart always even if you don’t in the physical. Dream beyond your bounds and make them your new norm.
Your husband is hot….just saying.