Second trimester is officially the best. The second trimester starts in week 14 and goes through the end of week 27, and it is nothing like the grueling first trimester. If you didn’t see my post about how I struggled though feeling like a “weenie” in my first trimester, you can read that HERE. If nothing, it should give you a few laughs.
After going through the first few months of feeling sick and basically wanting to sleep a l l t h e t i m e, I was surprised at how good I suddenly felt when my second trimester came around. Somewhere between week 15-16, it was as if I woke up a new person full of life and energy! Welcome back old me, where have you been?! Please don’t leave me. Everyone told me this would happen. But when you’re in the depths of the first tri exhaustion, it just doesn’t seem possible. I’m here to tell you that it is possible, it does happen, and there is light at the end of the dark 14 week tunnel you are in.
The second trimester is the best because, although your belly is growing, it’s not so big to where you are too uncomfortable or limited, and yet you have all this energy. I’ve been able to get so many things done like finish our bedroom wall, paint the nursery, and even build a gate and plant a garden (all with the generous help of my family, but still). It’s been great.
So far my workout routine hasn’t changed that much. I still exercise 4-5 times a week, alternating between one hour yoga sessions, running, HIIT (high intensity interval training) workouts, and the occasional bike ride. Surprisingly, the HIIT sessions have been my favorite recently. Even though my mom and husband might die if they hear of me doing another box jump (sorry mom;) or atomic pike push up on TRX bands (sorry husband), I love that I can work at my own intensity throughout the workouts. If I am feeling strong and want to keep going or up the weights I do, if the move is uncomfortable or I’m not feeling it that day, then I just modify it for me. No matter what route I choose that day, I still leave feeling like I got a great workout in.

The thing that has actually changed the most for me, sadly, has been running. When I was in my first trimester I ran a half marathon, and then a marathon trail race, and then I started my yoga teacher certification which took up all of my time for a whole month. Then I was so dang tired I didn’t have any energy to run for a while (even though I tried). By the time I got my energy back it was almost as if I had to start over, though this time with a growing belly. Since then I have been struggling to find my rhythm and consistency. Some days, I feel great trotting along at an 8 min pace and all is good in the world (besides the need to pee!). Then other days, it is a struggle to run 5 miles without stopping and an 11 minute pace feels like I’m sprinting the whole time. What is up with that?! It really has been the most frustrating thing for me especially since I love running so much. I’ve really had to learn to accept my body throughout this process. My body is going through so many changes, and working hard all the time to grow a tiny human, I’ve had to learn to adjust my expectations and be ok with what it can do on each changing day. Some days it’s more than others, some days it’s nothing, and I’m ok with that…most days 😉
I d love to hear your thoughts on a midwife vs. ob! It s something I ve debated this whole second pregnancy. Best wishes in the third trimester ??
Thank you.
I think that it comes down to personal preference. I’ve heard pros and cons to both sides. For this first baby, we have chosen to use an OB that we love! A very naturally open minded doctor who has been practicing for over 20 years. His beliefs and approach are very similar to that of a midwife. I think it really depends on who you get, there are bad OBs and bad midwifes. They great thing is that it’s your birth and there’s freedom to choose whatever you want. Who knows what we’ll do for the next one. I’m sure I’ll write a more extensive post after the birth 😉