One year of parenthood.
We made it, Love.
You and me.
We made it.
Through all the sleepless nights.
Through the endless cups of coffee (I’m surprised there was actually enough in the world).
Through all the dirty diapers,
A l l the diapers.
Did I mention the diapers?
And the crying?
From both baby and me.
Through getting him to finally sleep, to the pits of teething hell and stuffy noses and sleep regressions.
We made it through 4 plane rides and 4 road trips. Watch out world!
From seeking advice to giving advice (how did that happen??)
Through thoughts of “what the heck were we thinking?” and “who let us be parents?”
To thoughts of “damn we’re good at this.”
We realized nothing will ever be the same again.
And we’re more than ok with that.
We kept him alive.
We kept us alive.
We made it, Love.
We made a good one.
Happy one year of parenthood.

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