LOVING Griffin’s play room. We recently put wall-to-wall foam flooring down over the tile and it has made such a difference. Now he can crawl around and pull up on everything and I don’t have to be as concerned about him falling.
WORKING ON painting. I finally got G’s little book corner set up and I want to paint a bunch of different book covers to hang on the walls. I finished The Day the Crayon’s Quit and am trying to figure out which book to do next. Any suggestions of children’s books with cute covers?

THINKING ABOUT ideas for Griffin’s first birthday…already. I know it’s two months away but I can’t help it! I’m thinking about a “Where the Wild Things Are” theme with the title being “Wild ONE.” How cute is that! You can stalk my Pinterest boards to see what I’m thinking. What did you do for your babe’s first birthday? Or what are you planning?
WATCHING Parenthood…still…but we’re almost finished! Need a new tv show recommendation!
READING I just finished the book Mr. Penumbra’s 24 Hour Book Store and I really enjoyed it. Think ancient books meets Google. Here is the description: “The Great Recession has shuffled Clay Jannon away from life as a San Francisco web-design drone and into the aisles of Mr. Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore. But after a few days on the job, Clay discovers that the store is more curious than either its name or its gnomic owner might suggest. The bookstore’s secrets extend far beyond its walls.”
LISTENING TO Dad is Fat. It’s a book by stand-up comedian Jim Gaffigan but I listened to it on Audible and it was laugh-out-loud funny. If you have any kids of any shape or size and want a good laugh I suggest you get it. Jim reads it himself and to hear him in his own voice reading about all the joys and horrors of life with five young children is the best.
LEARNING to be funny. Ha! But really…the hubs and I decided to sign up for Steve Martin’s Master Class. Have you heard of this? We just signed up on a whim and I’m so excited. We just wanted something different to do together at night besides watch a tv show.
DREAMING OF summer days spent on the boat with my babes. I took G out for the first time this week and he had a blast!
TRYING a new weekly blog series: Lovin’ Lately. Each Monday I’ll be posting 4-5 of my favorite things like baby foods, teething things, baby clothes, etc. Last week was my favorite “Baby Thigs with Wheels.“
EATING/DRINKING this Guatemalan coffee roast from Noble Coyote Coffee Roasters. They are a local company and their coffee is so good. I’ve been ordering it online and each time the beans have been roasted the day before they ship it to me. You should try it out and let me know what you think.
MISSING the days I could drink through my entire cup of coffee without having to reheat it 10 times.
PLANNING to donate my hair again. Texas summers are hot and long hair makes it hotter. I’m so over it.
INSPIRED BY these cute hair cuts ^^^.
NEEDING glasses. I lost my last pair and am headed to the eye doctor today to get a new prescription.
EXCITED ABOUT my first Mother’s Day this weekend.
Want to play along? Copy and past this in the comments and let me know what you’re currently up to.
Working On:
Inspired By:
Thinking About:
Listening To:
Dreaming of:
Excited About: