
Want to know what’s currently going on in my life, what I’m loving or thinking about? Check back here every other Friday to find out.


LOVING taking G with me to our Stroller Strides workouts. It’s so much fun to get to workout with him and be around other adults.

WORKING ON remodeling our house! We’re in the process of totally reconfiguring our bathroom and redoing our back porch. I can’t wait to show you the finished product.

INSPIRED BY this Spanish tile for our bathroom.

THINKING ABOUT how Griffin will be one year old this summer and I just want to cry.

USING this cheaper version of the TRX band that my husband got me for my birthday and I’ve been loving using it for workouts.

EATING/DRINKING Iced Match Lates! I’ve been making them almost every day lately.

WATCHING Parenthood. It’s on Netflix and we finally jumped on the train after G was born. I think we only have one season left! I don’t want it to end.

READING The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg. I’ve started like 25 books recently but right now I’m reading (skimming through) this one.

LISTENING TO so many Podcasts! I was recently interviewed on the Party In My Pants Podcast, but even before that, I was an avid listener. Such great content.

LEARNING to be a better writer and write for other blogs

DREAMING OF a house that is no longer under construction. It’s not so good for baby naps.

TRYING TO come up with some more Sensory Play ideas to do with Griffin.

MISSING the mountains.

PLANNING to blog more consistently. Get ready.

WEARING these super comfy metallic gold Vans.

NEEDING to get my eyebrows threaded. Desperately.

WISHING for more sun! All this rain has turned my backyard construction zone into a major mud pit and we can’t finish until it’s all dried out.

EXCITED ABOUT Griffin getting closer to walking. He’s taken a couple steps here and there but then sits down like “nope not gonna do it. Crawling is much easier.” He’s been cruising around on this thing non stop though. 

Want to play along? Copy and past this in the comments and let me know what you’re currently up to.

Working On:
Inspired By:
Thinking About:
Listening To:
Dreaming of:
Excited About:



  1. Loving: Looking at photos/videos of my son during my downtime at work.
    Working On: A grocery list!
    Inspired By: All the other mama’s out there being super women and finding a balance post baby.
    Thinking About: Where to go with my husband tomorrow night for date night.
    Watching: Cannot wait to catch up on last nights episode of Grey’s Anatomy.
    Reading: Currently I just read several blogs.. need to find some good books!
    Listening To: Podcasts! Loved your interview on Party in my Pants!
    Dreaming of: Sleeeeep : ).
    Trying: to get the courage to transition from purees to a bit more of a baby led weaning approach. So nerve wracking!
    Missing: My sweet baby boy.
    Planning: Meals out for the next week.
    Wearing: scrubs– I’m still at work!
    Needing: to get soooo much done around our house. Between constantly going back and forth between dishes and laundry not much else is getting done at the moment. But little babe’s are only little for so long, right??
    Excited About: Date night tomorrow night with my husband! Also, next weekend is supposed to be super sunny!

    1. Love it! Thanks for playing along. If you’re looking for some good book ideas and like Podcasts, check out the “What Should I Read Next” Podcast with Anne Bogel! This keeps my “to be read” list never ending

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