15 Things I Learned From Running in 2015 via Happy Fit Mama

For our second day of the 15 from 2015 series I would like to introduce you to Angela. She is an ACSM Certified Clinical Exercise Physiologist and RRCA Running Coach, who has a love of all things running, yoga, and fitness. She like to experiment in the kitchen and share healthy recipes for the whole family. She is an amazing mama to 2 beautiful twins (who bounced back from pregnancy like a boss, and was running just 6 weeks later)! She’s the mama I hope one day to be. And she is the voice behind the inspirational blog and Instagram account @HappyFitMama.

15 things I learned from running in 2015

By: Angela Bekkala



  1. Running is hard.
  2. Running is a gift and a privilege.
  3. Just because you have a strong training period, doesn’t mean you’ll have a strong race.
  4. Anything can happen on race day.
  5. Running is for everyBODY.
  6. Running takes me places no other exercise can – both physically and mentally.
  7. Running makes me happy and sane.
  8. Running in sub zero temps can make you feel defeated and like a bad ass all at the same time.
  9. Running connects me to amazing people online and in my daily life.
  10. Running can make you lose your inhibitions.
  11. Running should never be taken for granted. I don’t have to do it. I get to do it.
  12. Running is inspirational.
  13. Running takes courage.
  14. Running makes me strong.
  15. Running makes me ME.


And here’s a quote on her blog that I found that I feel sums it up perfectly.
Best running advice you’ve received this year: “Remember why you run. It’s not for the PR’s. It’s not for the competition. It’s because the way it makes me feel about myself inside and out.”



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