These are a few of my favorite things (beverage, nail polish, glasses)

I realize these are not all running related things, but at the same time it would be selfish of me not to share all of these great finds with you!

This post should benefit you if you are any or all of the following:
a. male or female
b. drink one or more kombucha a week, or just love your gut and want it to be healthy
c. wear glasses/sunglasses and want to give to those who need glasses around the world
b. have ever spent time painting your nails just to have them chip within hours


polish, bucha, glasses, faves

1. Favorite Beverage: Home Brewed Kombucha

^^click on the link and let my girl Beth Dreyer show you how it’s done!^^

Kombucha is a living, probiotic beverage which has been around for thousands of years.  It is made by fermenting sweetened tea, cultured with a scoby (which stands for symbiotic colony of yeast and bacteria).  It is detoxifying, full good for your gut probiotics, B-vitamins, antioxidants and gluceric acids!

bucha fave

Kombucha can be a pricey habit to keep up if you’re buying them all the time. I usually see them in stores for $3.50-$4.00! So why wouldn’t you make your own. It tastes so much better! I have had many people tell me they did not like kombucha because they had only tried the store bought versions, then after tasting my home-brew they become awaken to the goodness that is bucha!

Once you get it going it’s truly so easy to do. If I can do it, anyone can do it! Trust me…

2. Favorite Top Coat Nail Polish: Seche Vite

seche vite

Ladies, tell me if this has ever happened to you…
“Hmmm I think I’ll paint my nails.”
Girl gets out favorite polish and spends a good amount of time meticulously painting and repainting each nail.
“There, now all I have to do is sit here for a whole hour until they are completely dry.”
One hour later…TV show ends…girl touches nail…nail seems dry…girl decides it’s ok to move again.
Two hours later…girl looks down…three nails are chipped…
“Ahhh! How did this happen! What’s the point in even painting them…”
Girl proceeds to pick off the rest of the nail polish.

I feel like this is my life any time I paint my nails! I can never seem to make it 24 hours without my nail polish chipping off. It doesn’t matter if I paint them myself of go get them done at a salon. They just don’t stay on. Until now!

Behold, the picture below is my nails FIVE DAYS after they were painted! Just regular polish and then this glorious Seche Vite top coat! Not one chip on a single nail.
seche vite 5 days later

3. Favorite Glasses: Warby Parker

I have needed to get new glasses for a while now but never could seem to find the time to go to the store and try them on, nor could I convince anyone to go with me (because you have to have a second opinon when it comes to glasses).

warby parker

Cue, Warby Parker! I love this concept. You go online, pick out 5 frames you want to try, they send them to you for FREE, no shipping cost, nothing. Then you get to play around with them and wear them around all your friends for the next 5 days and get everyones opinion. Then you ship them back, select your glasses, give your prescription, and bam, you never had to set foot in a store!
I also love that when you buy a pair, they give a pair. They tally up the number of glasses sold and make a monthly donation to their nonprofit partners, which then train men and women in developing countries to give basic eye exams and sell glasses to their communities at affordable prices.

What are some of your favorite things lately? Anything I should check out?


  1. I just ordered some of this from Amazon! So excited to try it!

    1. Yay that’s awesome! Let me know how you like it 🙂

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